Make WordPress faster 1

Make WordPress faster

Coma Web Development is happy to share with you WordPress optimization tips. WordPress optimization leads to better performance results, where the number of satisfied customers constantly increases and the bounce rate goes down. That is a key approach to achieve a better Google rating.

Improvements in search engine rankings can be achieved with increased speed, where customers observe quicker and more functional pages on your website. That makes more comfortable and improves visitors’ journey on your website. We are happy to share several tricks how to optimize WordPress performance. Here you can find five steps of WordPress optimization.

Optimize CSS

Reduce JavaScript and optimize CSS codes to improve WordPress performance. We suggest starting with blank space reduction and deleting unnecessary instructions. That are basics of WordPress optimization. The other way to optimize your site can be possibly achieved with the several files condensation in order to reduce the number of HTTP requests. Try to use CSS Minifier or CSS Compressor tools for a code.

Image size optimization

The reason of long loading time can be oversized images. In order to decrease your site’s loading time and optimize WordPress performance, we suggest compressing the images. That can be done before you upload images. There are the variety of tools which are available for the image formatting. One of them can be plugin WP Smush which you can find on WordPress which offers automatic optimization of images. Also, you can try to use EWWW Image Optimiser plugins.

Do not forget to clear up your database

There is no doubt that the size of the database directly influences the speed of the database queries. As you already know, WordPress sites have automatic backups. As the result, that leads to unwanted data, like spam comments, deleted articles, or drafts. Of course, that can slow down the performance of your website. It takes the time to clear up your database but it is worth it. To clear up your database you can use Advanced Database Cleaner and WP Optimise after Deleting Revisions.


The main goal of caching plugins is the generation of a static version of a site, which dramatically improves site performance. Every time when your customer view next page, WordPress derives content from the database to assemble the page. Of course, it may increase loading time. Caching plugins for WordPress can define specific parameters like the validity and other caching options. We suggest W3 Total Cache, W3 Super Cache and Cachify for WordPress.

Reduce the number of plugins

Finally, we come to the point where it is important to optimize a number of plugins. WordPress has a variety of free plugins which you can use. However, the increasing amount of plugins may lead to decreased site performance. It is important to decide which plugins are used more often. You can try to use Code Profiler to identify which plugins causing the website performance run slowly.

Do not forget:

Before you start WordPress optimization process, do double check how fast is your WordPress website. There are many available tools to find out how well your website perform and what should be improved.

GT Metrix

GT Metrix provides users with a broad performance analysis. The results are prioritized, allowing website owners to find out what should be optimized. You will be provided with average and overall performance result which you can compare directly with other relevant sites. Provision of feedback on each criteria with recommended steps to be taken to improve your website performance is an additional advantage of the tool.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights breaks down analysis into two parts: technical and user experience aspects. The technical aspects provide the loading time analysis, where you get the report as “adjustment required”, “adjustment recommended”, or  “passed”. However, the tool does not update about complete loading time. Experience analysis observes several aspects, for example, whether the navigation display on the mobile is big enough. As you already realized, that tool is available for the mobile version of the websites.

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